Tilé and Olly Meets: Simon Playford

Tilé and Olly Meets: Simon Playford

In this episode, we meet with the lovely Simon Playford. A talented and award-winning lawyer, leader, son, mental health advocate, and proud member of the LGBTQA+ community.

Show notes

In this episode, we sit down with the reserved but savvy Simon Playford. His country charm, sense of community, and enthusiasm have allowed him to stand out and build a unique profile for himself and his career. He speaks honestly with us about fixed moments in his life that have shaped him, such as losing his dad at a young age, coming out in his early 20s to pivotal career moments.

Simon is an accomplished legal professional and revered community leader. With a Bachelor of Law and Business from UniSQ, graduating in 2017, Simon has cultivated a remarkable reputation. Currently serving as the Legal Counsel at the National Heart Foundation of Australia, he brings his wealth of knowledge and experience from private law firms to one of the largest charities in the nation.

Simon's influence extends beyond his professional role. As a leader in multiple legal organisations, including the Law Council of Australia's Young Lawyers Committee (as Deputy Chair) and the Queensland Law Society's Future Leaders Committee, he actively shapes the future of the legal profession. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Simon was awarded UniSQ's Young Alumnus of the Year in 2022. He remains deeply committed to volunteering and community work, exemplified by his role as the Independent Chair for the Toowoomba Headspace Consortium.

Simon subscribes to the Greek proverb that society flourishes when you plant trees for shade you will never sit in. He stresses the importance of paying it forward for the next generation and impressed on us the importance of protecting one’s time and mental health as key cornerstones of success



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Simon Playford

Simon Playford

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