Tilé and Olly Meets: QHRC Commissioner Scott McDougall

Tilé and Olly Meets: QHRC Commissioner Scott McDougall

Queensland Human Rights Commissioner Scott McDougall sits down with us to chat about his career, diversity and human rights.

Show notes

In this episode, we meet with the Queensland Human Rights Commissioner Scott McDougall.

Scott McDougall commenced as Commissioner of the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland on 8 October 2018.  Immediately prior to his appointment he was the Director and Principal Solicitor at Caxton Legal Centre in Brisbane where he contributed to the successful campaign to introduce a Human Rights Act in Queensland.   Since 1 January 2020, as Queensland’s inaugural Human Rights Commissioner, Scott has overseen the implementation of a dedicated human rights complaints function with the objective of building a strong human rights culture within Queensland’s public sector. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Queensland University of Technology.

Digressions include working with Andrew Boe (and missing a trip to Greece), learning about resilience and compassion and modelling that for our children, and some highlights from his time at Caxton Legal Centre.

He also references the book Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, which we have added to our reading list. Tilé also mentions the Diversity training found on the QHRC website, which we have linked for anyone interested.

We really enjoyed our conversation with Scott and we hope to read the book he wishes to write about his dad one day!



Olamide Kowalik

Olamide Kowalik

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Tilé Imo

Tilé Imo

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Scott McDougall

Scott McDougall

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